Monday, August 27, 2018

Understand the Benefits of Using Bitcoins through Bitcoin Transfer Service

There are many advantages to using Bitcoin as a payment system over traditional banks and currencies. Not only does Bitcoin allow the exchange of international payments without worrying about currency conversion, it also allows fast transaction confirmation, typically within 10 minutes of initiating transfers. Transactions are also irreversible, once made, which can be seen as either a positive or a negative quality of Bitcoin transfer.

Since its inception, there have been tremendous improvements on the security of coin storage and transfers, especially for companies and buyers who hold large amounts of funds. Block chains nowadays offer good security and use tremendous computing power in order to maintain safety and efficiency.

For merchants, accepting digital currency as a payment mode for goods and services can be beneficial in many ways. One of the best ways that Bitcoin transfers are advantageous for business owners is that processing fees are typically paid by senders, which means merchants don’t have to pay anything in order to receive funds. Fees are also considerably lower than that of conventional payment networks. Large payments can be facilitated with much ease and without limits on the size or the amount of the transaction. Traditional payments may charge higher processing fees for much larger transactions or they otherwise put limits on transaction sizes, which can cause issues when pushing big ticket items. Bitcoin likewise allows one-way, irreversible transactions, so merchants are at no risk of chargebacks.

For buyers on the other hand, benefits include fast confirmation of transactions, which can be extremely useful when making international transactions. Bitcoin transfer service also enable international purchases without concern for complex currency conversions. Coin storage is also easy and convenient, while transaction and processing fees are typically pennies. With Bitcoin gaining much traction, it is likely to be a widely accepted and easy payment method in the near future, offering many great benefits for merchants and buyers alike, not the least of which is having no monthly subscription fees unlike conventional payment processing networks.

Transfer Your Money Securely with Bitcoin Mixing Service

Bitcoin makes it easy to move money across the web, but this convenience doesn’t come risk-free. Because there are plenty of ways by which someone can steal your money, violate your privacy, or track your spending and transactions through Bitcoin, it is important to keep your activities discreet and secure. A reputable Bitcoin mixing service is a good line of defense against these attacks, although it is important that you do your homework as to which service to use—one that will help protect your assets instead of taking advantage of your trust. Here are more ways to transfer your money securely through Bitcoin:

  • Maintain separate wallets. If you use the same wallet for Bitcoin spending as your entire cryptocurrency holdings, you put your savings at a risk of different kinds of abuse. You are more vulnerable to being targets of scammers and hackers if you keep your holdings in one place. There is virtually no limit to the number of wallets or addresses that you can create while trading Bitcoin. This way, you can easily create separate wallets for spending, receiving payments, and storing your savings.

  • As a general rule, avoid keeping your savings in a web wallet, where they can be open to hackers. Just recently, several cases of hacking have been on the news, reporting web wallets being emptied of their Bitcoin contents. While wallets are convenient, they should only ever be used as checking accounts and places to store money that you intend to use in the near future. Keeping only a small amount of spending money in your web wallet limits your losses to a minimum if the wallet gets hacked. Bitcoins don’t work like your typical bank or credit provider. Meaning losing money fraudulently doesn’t entitle you to a refund claim.

  • Protect your privacy and never share private keys with anybody. Your wallet key is equivalent to your bank account’s PIN.

Trade in Bitcoin Exchange and Get the Most Out of It

Bitcoin can be an intimidating prospect, especially for newcomers who are only getting their feet wet. However, it is easy to avoid the shock of it if you only know what to expect and know some tips on getting the most out of your investment or at least a greater chance of meeting your goals. Here are some things you should remember when trading in Bitcoin Mixing Platform:

  • If you are only getting started, it pays doing your homework and learning everything you can about cryptocurrencies. The more that you understand the ins and outs of Bitcoin and its exchange, the better off you will be when you commence trading. Bitcoin offers a rare opportunity for profit building, but one that requires a thorough understanding of the volatile, speculative, and unregulated nature of the market. Having a strong grasp of how blockchains work and an even deeper understanding of how coins are stored and secured is also critical to the health of your investment.

  • Always proceed with caution. As with any type of investment, you should keep in mind that you are trading in a high-risk space, especially since digital currencies are still in their very early stages of development compared to like asset markets such as stocks and bonds. Needless to say, you shouldn’t invest money that you cannot afford to lose. To be safe, start small and invest only a manageable portion of your initial capital.

  • Instead of chasing Bitcoin prices, a better approach to bitcoin mixing would be deciding on a particular entry point and then sticking with it. Be patient, don’t chase, and let price come to you. Use the stage in and stage out strategy by investing a small amount at a time, patently waiting for it to grow, and then investing some more. This way, you protect your investment from huge losses.

Points to Consider Before Choosing a Bitcoin Exchange Service

Bitcoins are blowing up and everyone from major financial institutions to small business owners, and enterprising millennials are curious to learn about the opportunities that the cryptocurrency brings. Even more importantly, they want to know how to cash in on the trend. As cryptocurrencies grow both in value and adoption, more people are finding themselves wanting to get in on the action, wondering where and how they can begin to buy and sell digital currency. With dozens of features to choose from and analyze across different exchanges, users with varying levels of investment and cryptocurrency knowledge are looking for a guidance on how to proceed with their trade. Here are things you should remember when choosing between Bitcoin mixing services:

  • Look for authenticity and high levels of security – It is critical that you choose a platform that is legitimate and secure. Spend ample time researching mixing services and choose one that has a clean slate and a solid track record in providing and maintaining secure protocols in their trades.

  • Look for convenient purchase methods – Purchase methods for acquiring cryptocurrency vary from platform to platform. Some exchanges using mixing services may require deposits through bank transfer, while others may accept credit and debit cards. Others still may use PayPal or exclusively use cryptocurrency for purchases. If you are starting without any cryptocurrency on hand, choose a platform that accepts deposits using fiat currency so you can enter the market. Ask how long purchases take before completion as some platforms may be able to process transactions fairly instantly, while others take hours to a day or some weeks.

  • Look for the right type of trading platform – Read about the different types of trading platforms and know which type is right for the kind of trading you want to embark in. There are P2P exchanges that directly connect buyers and sellers, as well as cryptocurrency brokers that operate much like forex brokers who set prices that buyers can purchase through the platform.

Make Your Online Transactions Anonymous with Anonymous BTC Wallet

Bitcoin transactions are stored in a block chain or a public ledger that contains data about each Bitcoin payment, including the amount paid, the address of the sender, as well as the address of the recipient, among many other things. Because Bitcoin transactions use coins from prior transactions, all data in a block chain is public, which means every Bitcoin payment made or received has a traceable history accessible to everyone. While Bitcoin addresses are not necessarily linked to any person or entity, there are ways to trace them back to a user’s real-world identity. Fortunately, there are also ways to avoid uncovering your identity through these pseudonymous addresses such as by using anonymous BTC wallets and creating new addresses for every incoming transaction. 

The first and perhaps the easiest way to make your online transactions with Bitcoin anonymous is by using new addresses for each transaction that you make. Transferring a bitcoin always with bitcoin mixer keeps your total Bitcoin balance hidden, hence shielding you from the prying eyes of hackers who are out to steal your loot. If payments are due you are sent to different addresses that you own, the funds end up spread out among multiple addresses instead of keeping a big lump sum in a single address. This makes it a lot harder for anyone to know just how many bitcoins you actually own. 

This kind of transaction may indicate, although will not necessarily prove that each input address is owned by one person. If your identity hasn’t been associated with any of these addresses, then your anonymity should still be safe.

Important Things to Keep in Mind to Help You When Choosing a BTC Exchange

December of 2017 saw a bit of a Bitcoin frenzy with premier exchanges briefly halting trading because of plunging prices and crushing volumes. While these slip ups can easily be charged to the growing pains of digital currency, you should be all the more careful when choosing BTC exchanges to transact and perform trading in. Along with the growing popularity and more widespread acceptance of digital currencies is the increasing interest that hackers have in the industry. As such, protecting yourself and your digital currency assets from the glitches that come with the very young industry is important so as to keep up with its rapid growth. Choosing the right BTC exchange is critical to keeping your assets safe from theft and hacks. 

Block chains themselves are secure due to their decentralized nature, but individual exchange systems where customer records and funds stored are less safe due to the centralization of a few servers, which makes them easier hacking targets. Safer exchange systems that allow for a swifter and more efficient decentralized operation are currently in the works, but until they are rolled out, it is up to you to do due diligence on existing BTC exchanges that you can trade on. 

The first rule of thumb is to ask important questions like how long the exchange has been operating, whether they are insured, who runs the system, and how their reputation fares in the market. Large exchanges are currently the best choices as they offer enough resources and orders to match buyers and sellers with economies of scale, hence keeping down fees and helping sustain safe trading. Choose an exchange that caters to your individual needs, e.g., is designed to help investors place market orders or has a reliable system to stop limit orders.

Important Things to Consider Before Making Anonymous Bitcoin Transaction

Bitcoin has been Internet white noise for nearly a decade now and it is slowly making a bang, especially with more people buying into the concept. Part of the appeal, cryptocurrencies is the fact that it allows freedom from being controlled by centralized powers such as governments and national banks. While the majority of the population is still lukewarm about Bitcoin and digital currencies in general, they seem to be growing in strength and here to stay. It’s been well over 8 years since the birth of Bitcoin and people are still curious. In fact, a single bitcoin is now worth thousands. If cryptocurrency seems like something you want to invest in, here are important things you should know and consider about anonymous bitcoin transaction
  • Bitcoin is volatile. With all kinds of drivers that can potentially send prices plummeting or sky-rocketing it is easy to see why people are iffy about investing in cryptocurrencies. Forks, exchange collapses, news, and hacks are only some of the major drivers for Bitcoin value, and although coins do jump around more than standard currencies, these fluctuations are not as big as they sound like in fact, according to the BVI (Bitcoin Volatility Index), the volatility of Bitcoin’s dollar price may be as high as 4.23 percent over the course of 6 months but looking at its movements throughout the course of a year, it is a much lower than 3.58 percent. This means that over the long term, the graphs move at a steadily upward motion despite the short-term volatility. 
  • Bitcoin trading isn’t totally free. Bitcoin transactions do bypass banks and government intermediaries, but you will still run into transaction fees, which are nothing more than small tips for bitcoin miners, which encourages them to put each transaction in a block for inclusion in the blockchain. These “tips” are negligible, especially compared with fees for the standard currency transactions.

Get Started with Bitcoin Mixing Through Bitcoin Mixing Service

Bitcoin may not be as private as you may think. In its early days, digital currency gained a false reputation as a completely anonymous payment system, much like an electronic equivalent of cash. This was mainly because of its widespread use on deep web niches and dark net market places frequented by shady individuals. However, Bitcoin isn’t really anonymous. In fact, it may well be a lot less private than more conventional payment methods like credit and debit cards. It is up to their policies as well as your stated preferences whether they can provide such data to government agencies and other parties, if they will be asked for any information. 

While you don’t necessarily have to provide your personal details in order to use a Bitcoin wallet, there are many ways that your pseudonymous wallet address or addresses can be traced back to your real-world identity. This is where Bitcoin mixing comes in handy. 

Bitcoin mixing service is one of the most common and efficient methods of improving your financial privacy when using Bitcoins. Mixers or tumblers work by mixing your payment up with other payments from other users, effectively making it nearly impossible for any adversary to work out who is sending money to whom. An observer may know your addresses and therefore see that you have received or sent a certain amount of money, but they won’t know to whom you have made the payment or from whom it came from if you are using a bitcoin mixing service.

Best Bitcoin Mixing Service – A Secure Investment for the Future

Bitcoin mixing like blockchains themselves, is riddled with many misconceptions. For instance, a lot of people think that mixing Bitcoin is only useful for those who use them for dark net marketplace activities. There are tons of other reasons why an ordinary bitcoin user may want to tumble coins such as maintaining anonymity when paying for goods and services, making donations, and sending P2P payments across an entire spectrum of interests. Since Bitcoin activities are publicly available through blockchain ledgers, your transactions may be vulnerable to scrutiny and analysis by any interested party. Not only will this be an unnecessary and unwanted intrusion on your personal privacy, it could also make you a ripe target of hackers and cybercriminals who may get tempted to track your growing Bitcoin balance down. Coin mixing is a good precautionary step against these kinds of activities. 

This said, the popularity of Bitcoin mixing services has grown exponentially over the last couple of years and with it, the number of services are offering Bitcoin mixing. Here are the things you should watch out for when selecting the best Bitcoin mixing service: 
  • Avoid services with bad reputation, especially for running away with users’ coins. Do advance research and look for reviews and discussions if you are unsure about a particular service.
  • Some mixing services have also been tagged and identified via blockchain analysis. This means that analysts and researchers have somehow managed to associate certain wallets and addresses with particular services. With enough work, this could help track you down. Check thoroughly if the service you are considering has been tagged through blockchain analysis.
  • It is also the best to avoid new services that have small coin pools or reserves, especially when mixing large quantities of coins, as you could end up with all or a part of the same coins you have deposited upon withdrawing.

Benefits of Using Anonymous Bitcoin Mixing Service for International Transactions

The virtual nature of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies allow many inherent advantages over conventional payment systems and methods. Bitcoin’s decentralized, peer-to-peer, digital currency system is essentially designed to facilitate actual monetary transactions with the use of digital units of exchange known as cryptocurrencies. Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin has generated a great deal of interest and controversy as an alternative to fiat currencies like the dollar, and pure commodity currencies like silver and gold. 

Bitcoin payments are processed using a private network of interlinked computers via a shared program. Transactions are recorded in a blockchain ledger, which updates and informs all linked accounts. Bitcoins can either be mined by means of solving complex mathematical algorithms or bought using standard currencies and then placed into a bitcoin wallet, which can be accessed through a computer or a smartphone device. There are many benefits of using Bitcoin mixing service for online and international transactions including: 
  • Maintaining user-anonymity - Bitcoin purchases can be discrete as the user wants them to be. Unless you voluntarily publish your Bitcoin transaction or someone takes time to track down your transactions, your purchases will not be associated with your personal identity, much like how cash purchases cannot be traced back to you. 
  • Tax-free purchases – Bitcoin transactions are interrupted by governments and backs or any other financial intermediaries. This means no one can place a freeze on any Bitcoin account. Since blockchains are peer-to-peer and decentralized, users have a much greater degree of freedom than they have with traditional currencies. Because there are no third party to track, identify or intercept transactions, sales taxes are also not added to purchases. 
  • Currency exchange values don’t apply – Standard foreign purchases and wire transfers would typically involve exchange fees and are subject to currency rates. Because Bitcoins don’t have any intermediary involvement, transaction costs remain low and unaffected by current exchange rates.